My Story

Kristen Joy Hugins

Owner & Creative Queen of Joyfull Communications

Thank you for visiting my website and being curious about my story!  It all began when I published my first short story about Rag Tag, a runaway dog, in a children’s literary journal in 4th grade.  Once I discovered how much I loved writing stories and sharing them, I seized every opportunity to write.  

Though I have always written creatively, I found that my writing skills were sought out and utilized in every job I held.  I am a seeker by nature, and as such, spent the first half of my career seeking meaningful work in a variety of industries.  I have helped multiple small businesses, schools and nonprofits develop and grow through targeted marketing efforts over my career in a variety of director and leadership roles, and it is now time for me to make an even bigger impact and help more businesses as a business owner myself.  Through the variety of jobs I have held, I have learned that it is my dharma to express joy through communication in order to help others share their gifts with the world. 

My journey has been one driven by curiosity and a desire to hear people’s stories and put them into words.  Because I care deeply about making a difference, I am also a magnifier - through creative marketing, influential language and strategic guidance, I amplify the messaging of individuals and small businesses - for good.  I have 20 years of experience copywriting and creating content for direct mail, email, blogs, digital ads, social media, landing pages, brochures, press releases and websites. 

Learning, discovering and creating a consistent written voice for an individual, institution, or business that engages their target audience is my passion. Though I will happily write on almost any subject, I specialize in content and communications for clients in the Arts & Culture, Health & Wellness and Education sectors. I received a BA in both Philosophy and English from Principia College and am an avid reader, writer, dancer, hiker, nature-lover and mother of two amazing children.  I currently reside in Phoenix, AZ, and I’m grateful to have the opportunity to work with local clients as well as those living anywhere on this beautiful planet.

My Gallup Strengthsfinder Profile: Achiever, Responsibility, Learner, Input and Harmony

My Sparketypes: Primary: Maker (“I make ideas manifest.”), Shadow: Maven (“I live to learn.”)

My Profile: Strategic Planner

“In the end, we’ll all become stories.”

-Margaret Atwood

Chat with me.

What story do you need help telling? Curious how we could work together? Schedule a chat with me today!